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1 : the ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance

2 : a learned power of doing something competently : a developed aptitude or ability

What is Architecture?

Architecture is a marriage between art and science and there is always a compromise between them.  The art portion involves taking an abstract idea and finding a way to express and transform it into something tangible.  The science portion involves the understanding of materials, how they come together, and how a building is cooled, heated, lit, or held up.  Every project comes with its own vision and complexities....and that within itself makes it an unique undertaking.

Why a SKILLed Architect?

Complex skills take practice, development, and commitment in order to perform them effectively and with precision.  Architecture utilizes a toolbox of various skills and demands a standard of care and craft.  A SKILLed architect is committed to sharpening the following skills ::


DESIGN skills : There is much debate about what is a great design.  Design must satisfy the needs and values of the client while addressing its function and aesthetics.  We explore all possibilities and provide you with an unique solution.


PEOPLE skills : Lack of communication can break the strongest bonds.  We strive to maintain an open honest conversation throughout the project.  We do this by keeping our clients up to date, responding to questions promptly, and becoming a resource for them. Most importantly, we must be sympathetic to the client's needs and support them along the journey.


BUILDING skills : When we are not on our desk in front of a computer, we invest our time in working with our hands.  Working with wood, metal, or concrete will further develop our understanding of materials and grow our appreciation for the art of building.  We carry the lessons learned from these small scale projects and incorporate them into the details of larger projects. 




Whether it's meticulously constructing a 3D rendering for a Client presentation or showing off his mad balloon animal making skills for a charity event ...he brings something completely unique to the Skill team. Besides being an dessert aficionado with an addiction to running, his insatiable curiosity to learn + be a part of anything + everything, also makes him a design addict with an architecture problem.

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